Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Short and Comprehensive Essay on Education

A Short and Comprehensive Essay on Education

Education is a process of imparting knowledge from teachers to the students. This process may contain different variety of steps depending on the stage and quality of education. It is a key process which plays vital role for maintaining the culture and ethics of the society. Education thus is an essential prerequisite of modernization. It enables people to know the world beyond their own surroundings and transforms them to become rationalist and humanist in outlook and world view.
Modern Education is most suitable, open and liberal. The education brings freedom, equality and humanism to the life of individual and society as well. There are variety of subjects taught in different fields i.e. technology, linguistics, economy, culture, agriculture, health and many more....

“A child without education is like a bird without wings”. This Tibetan proverb defines the level of importance of education. Just like a bird is nothing without wings and cannot fly, same is the case with the people of a nation who , without education, are nothing and they cannot prosper. Education is a bulding stone of a nation . It gives that awareness through which one can develop in itself , a sense which can distinguish between right and wrong. It makes you a sensible human being by polishing you. Education level in Pakistan is unfortunately not up to the mark. It is not very common in our society especially in rural areas. A lot of reasons stand behind the poor education system, and in result , not only we are suffering but also our country is suffering politically and economically and not striding towards success and prosperity


According to the educational report of 2016 issued by UNESCO , the literacy rate of Pakistan is about 60% which is far less than our neighbouring countries like india and iran. Pakistan ranks 160th in the world in education index. Every 7 out of 10 children’s between age of 5 to 16 are out of school. That makes around 85% of the total children’s between theses ages. If we see this percentage internationally , we come to face a devastating fact that Pakistan make 10% of the world’s children not going to school. 
Overall in world education index ranking, we rank 160th which is something very shameful. EVven Countries ,like Syria,Libya , and yemen which are in state of war , rank higher than Pakistan . Their literacy rate is way too good than that of Pakistan.
Primary education is the most basic education that is given to a child. It is the education given to a child aging between 5 to 11 years. It is the right of a child to get education . But in pakistan about 6.6 million children’s of primary age are not getting any education. And only 87% children finish their primary education.
Typically after six years of primary education, comes secondary education . It begins from grade 9 and ends at grade 12. By looking at the figures we come to know that with growing age literacy rate start decreasing and more than 8 million students are not getting secondary education.
When it comes to graduating age , Pakistan has only 40% literacy rate . This is mainly because at this age lot of factors come into play like majority of teenagers at this age tend to do small jobs just to support their families and for this they quit their education.

The first thing that comes to our mind, when we discuss about literacy rate of Pakistan , is Poverty. Reason behind the darkness of many bright futures, poverty is adding alot to it. So many students having not enough resources cannot get education and thus are not able to contribute to the prosperity of the country.
Another main reason come into consideration is when the student is the only member in his family who can earn bread for them , and then in this case students have to do part time small jobs and in doing so, they are not able to continue.
Terrorist attacks are also one of the main reasons of poor system of education in Pakistan, According to a report ,82 schools were attacked by terrorists during 2000 to 2009 , and that figure touched deleterious level of almost 642 attacks during 2009 to 2013. This type of scary environment does not encourages the students to go to schools and get educated. Even if some students are brave enough to continue study ,they are not allowed by their parents.
The Educational institutes are inadequate for growing population. Mostly in rural areas , there are no schools in many villages and children there ,are not getting any education. Only in some villages ,their is one and only one school for the children
Pakistan spends Only 2% of GDP on education , when the country requires almost 3 to 4% of GDP on education . With this low spending, our institutes are getting ignored not only by their standard of education but also they are getting damaged structurally. Also when there are not enough funds provided by the govt, and govt institutes are lacking quality of education, students start to look towards private institutes.
Talking about private institutes, Almost 90% of them are not affordable by average earning family. Private schools are charging too much fees that only wealthy families can afford. This, in result is creating a class difference . Many students then start to have inferiority complex because they cannot afford the quality education and concurrently they cannot afford to get the mediocre education.
Islam also attaches so much importance to the acquisition of knowledge. Many places in Quran , ALLAH emphasize to get education. But some of our Ulemas , not having proper and enough knowledge of Quran consider it as a sin to get education or specifically getting western education. People who follow them blindly start to think like them and thus not allow their children to get education.
One important fact behind our fall in education system is bad teaching. It is said that a good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instil a love of learning. So if the teacher is not doing his job properly , how we can expect our young students to come up with the creative imaginations and ideas for our country. Teachers ,instead of giving a thoughtful lecture , emphasize on Rattafication. With this , students soon get bore after they don’t know what they are studying and very quickly the education fervour within them start to vanish. They get bore of most interesting subjects like science, maths, or Pak studies. That in result contribute in lack of interest of students in education and thus some among them say goodbye to education.
Females in Pakistan also face lot of troubles in getting education. They make almost half of the population of the country. Half of the teenagers not enrolled are females. This is most common in rural areas where no female can go to school. Some families do this because they think that by getting western education their daughters will get free and bold and they will have no more respect for their parents. For some families women education is against the orders of Islam and they should be at home.
Another barrier against the education in Pakistan is feudalism. Feudalism can be defined as the power and influence of large landowning families in an area. This system is most common in the province of Sindh where almost every small village is under this system. Under this brutal system , not even girls but also boys are not allowed to get any education. As the ruler owns a large area of land so the poor families of that area supplant professional farmers. Almost everyone including Husband , wife ,and their children works on land.
When a student completes his higher education, he dream of job with a handsome salary package with extra luxuries. But as soon as he starts searching for job, he finds out that even though he has completed his 16 years or 18 years of education, there is either no job for him or the job he is getting offered is giving a chump change. . There are lot of talented students who work hard in all of their educational life but still when they go somewhere for interview they are rejected because some other candidate with high status or reference holds the seat .There are no jobs whereas every company need their employees to have experience. That brings down the morale of youth and with that they are not able to contribute any of their strength towards Pakistan when its youth is second biggest youth of the world. Seeing this trend, most of the youth then tend to look for some private businesses and thus not give that much importance to education.
Last but not the least, the political intervention can also affect the education. Taking the example of Karachi where almost in every week, there is some protest or strike by some political party. Because of this, most of the educational institutions remain close and only the students suffer. Quaid-e-azam university Islamabad remained closed for almost two weeks only because of political conflicts between two parties. Students were about to face the losing of whole semester when luckily deputy commissioner involved and resolved the issue.


It is the first and foremost duty of government to help the needy students through funds, scholarships and other economic platforms. Most of the bright students usually belongs to poor families. When they are provided enough support for their education, they made their country proud.
There should be some social campaigns regarding the importance of education. People should be told that it is only education that will make them a respected citizen and a good human being. Seminars on regular basis should be conducted and media should play vital role in this awareness program.
Enough Security should be provided to every educational institute so that every student can continue to study without any fear. The study environment should be relaxing so that students should feel comfort and can concentrate.
Feudalism should be eradicated from the rural areas, and for this, local police and govt should take necessary steps and ensure that every child in that area is going to school and that there is no child labour.
Govt should spend enough on education sector by building schools and colleges for the students. Usually the classes are overcrowded because there are not enough schools to accommodate so many students. By building new institutions, every student will have a relaxed environment in class as it will not be overcrowded. Also every student will be under observation by the teacher.
People should have proper knowledge of Quran and sunnah so that they can answer ulema’s false propaganda through knowledge and not by following them blindly. For this Ulama Council should come up with proper plan and strategy to spread the positive teachings of Quran. By doing so , people will understand the actual teachings of islam and they will come to know how much Islam emphasize on education.
The teachers should be selected on merit, quality and performance. And even after that they should be passed through one or two critical interviews by some professional and experienced personals from education department. Selection should not be based on political favour. By doing this , we will have experienced and well qualified teachers in our educational institutions. They will polish the youth for a bright future. 
Similarly, in the department of jobs, selection should be purely on merit. In this way, not only it will encourage the talented students to work hard and also they will prove to be beneficial for the company. Necessary steps should be taken against those who support and favour the candidates with references. They need to understand the fact that this act of injustice can ruin many talented lives.
Females also should be given equal education along with men. There is a saying that “Educate a men, you educate an individual But If you educate a women, u educate a nation”. By educating females we indirectly educate her whole generation because only a literate mother can give a noble nation.
Politics should be dissociated from education. Government should try to control the rallies and protests so that there should be no educational loss. Rather politicians should discourage other politicians if they are doing it. 

A brave girl who stood for education, Malala Yousafzai, defied the Taliban in Pakistan and demanded that girls be allowed to get an education. But she was shot in head by a Taliban gunman in 2012 in Mingora swat. She soon recovered and progressed and went on to receive Noble peace prize in 2014.

Mukhtaran Mai, a victim of gang rape, survived and stood up for justice. She started a school in her village to educate girls so that they can also stand up for their rights in future. She was awarded with the Glamorous award for the bravest women in the world.

Only through education, a country can boost and prosper. Pakistan is also striding towards better education. While achieving this goal, Pakistan is facing many common problems like poverty, lack of resources, and governmental ignorance. But through proper resources and governmental policies, these problems can be tackled easily and Pakistan can be one of the emerging nations in education.

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